Mata Kuliah


B.Inggris Komunikasi

ESP for Photography



II/3/A, B, C



Dr. Zalzulifa, M.Pd.



Tahun Akademik




Rabu, 11-01-2021

10.00 – 11 .30 WIB


Bobot Kredit






Sifat Ujian


Open References

(ESP for Vocational Learners)









Explain your pragmatic experience in the use of PBLL approach for publishing studies using the basic skill of reading, writing, listening, speaking within the learning steps from Prewriting, Drafting, Revising Editing, Layouting, Marketing, Delivering.


Student’s Identity

Name                          : Layya Nur Elisha

            Study Program            : 2A Photography / 2291471003   

Project Title                :



PRE-WRITING (Think and plan the Project)

Prewriting is the first stage of the writing process, typically followed by drafting, revision, editing and publishing. Elements of prewriting may include planning, research, outlining, diagramming, storyboarding or clustering (for a technique similar to clustering, see mindmapping). Prewriting usually begins with motivation and audience awareness: what is the student or writer trying to communicate, why is it important to communicate it well and who is the audience for this communication. Writers usually begin with a clear idea of audience, content and the importance of their communication; sometimes, one of these needs to be clarified for the best communication. Student writers find motivation especially difficult because they are writing for a teacher or for a grade, instead of a real audience. Often lecturers  try to find a real audience for students by asking them to read to younger classes or to parents, by posting writing for others to read, by writing a blog, or by writing on real topics, such as a letter to the editor of a local newspaper.

Pragmatic Experiential Learning:

I understand more about the elements needed in making prewriting such as planning, research, outlining, diagramming etc

What were the two or three things you did very well with the prewriting?



1.      Do detailed planning

2.      Conduct research into various media to find the outline

3.      And make a complete storyboard



DRAFTING (Get your ideas down on paper)

Drafting means getting your ideas down on paper. A rough draft is a late stage in the writing process. It assumes that students have adequate information and understanding, are near or at the end of gathering research, and  have completed an exercise in prewriting.

Pragmatic Experiential Learning:

·        In the draft stage, I understand thata concept that we have prepared must be mature

What were the two or three things you did very well with the drafting your idea?


1.      Develop a concept in an orderly manner

2.      Determine the most important part

3.      And make plans for the next step




REVISING (Share and reflect on your first draft)

Revising means to share and to reflect on your first draft. This will help writer review how effectively readers communicate the message.

Pragmatic Experiential Learning:

Can understand that revision is the most important part to make a concept perfect

What were the two or three things you did very well with the revising?


1.      Change the word or sentence with a new one

2.      Define the concept precisely

3.      Develop a more mature idea





EDITING (Find and correct any mistakes you have made)

Editing is the process of selecting and preparing written, visual, audible, and film medium used to convey information through the processes of correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media, performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate, and complete output. The editing process originates with the idea for the work itself and continues in the relationship between the author and the editor. Editing is, therefore, also a practice that includes creative skills, human relations, and a precise set of methods.

Pragmatic Experiential Learning:

Editing techniques are needed to make readers enjoy a work of ours by

selecting visuals, audio and media

What were the two or three things you did very well with the editing?


1.      Using attractive audio so that the reader feels comfortable

2.      Determine good visuals to beautify a work

3.      Make interesting animations so that readers don't get bored






LAYOUTING  (Share your idea in written form)

Layout basically means the arrangement of predetermined items such as image, text and style on a page. It establishes the overall appearance and relationships between the graphic elements to achieve a smooth flow of message and eye movement for maximum effectiveness or impact. Layouting can also mean the plan or design or arrangement of something laid out: such as dummy sense or final arrangement of matter to be reproduced especially by printing.

Pragmatic Experiential Learning:

The general layout is to make the display have graphic elements to convey the message effectively and the message given is attractive

What were the two or three things you did very well to layout your manuscript?

1.      Minimalistic selection of image and text layouts

2.      Choosing a font that fits the content of the concept

3.      Create graphics that spoil the eyes of the audience



MARKETING (Get your idea in to market)

Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers. Marketing might sometimes be interpreted as the art of selling products, but selling is only a small fraction of marketing. As the term “marketing” may replace “advertising” it is the overall-strategy and function of promoting a product or service to the customer.

Pragmatic Experiential Learning:

Marketing is important to show the results of our work or services to the wider community so that customers can get them


What were the two or three things you did very well to market your idea?


1.      Can create attractive ads so that many viewers

2.      Make sales targets to certain groups

3.      Promote advertisements to various enline media




DELIVERING (Share your idea to publics).

Delivering is a report issued by a or group of learners with seven main step of learning, such as: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing, marketing, delivering. Here the learners can deliver their learning portfolios in two forms. First, online delivering of  e-product (proposal, business letter, dummy) by putting them into students’ personal blog and link with lecturers’ www.granezhapubly.blogspot including the video share. The learning portfolios can be a book, leaflet, flier or brochure for personal or individual work, while the magazine, tabloid, or newspaper for a group work.    

Pragmatic Experiential Learning:

Submit a report on the work that has been made in certain media for the final result of the work

What were the two or three things you did very well to deliver your products?

1.      Report well

2.      Make reports attractive

3.      Explained completely and in detail



            Your Answer can also be inputted into google form by clicking the link in




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